Can I get a digital copy of the reenactments or a copy of the soundtrack?
We will do our best to make selected clips of reenactments available for download from the website, but due to licensing agreements and copyrights, we cannot provide digital copies of the complete reenactments or soundtrack to stake members without permission from the copyright owners. More information will be made available at a later time.
When is the Moroni’s Quest youth event?
June 7-10, 2017 (Wednesday-Saturday)
Where will the Moroni’s Quest youth event be held?
The Youth Event will be held at a special camp ground in Heber, Arizona.
Who can participate in Moroni’s Quest?
Every member of our stake is encourage to participate in the Moroni’s Quest Book of Mormon Reading Challenge. Youth ages 12-18 are invited to attend the Moroni’s Quest Youth Event in June 2017. Youth must turn 12 on or before the last day of the Moroni’s Quest Youth Event. No exceptions.
When does registration begin for the youth event?
Registration will be online from January 1 through March 31, 2017
Are graduating seniors invited to attend the youth event?
Yes! We will have special tribes for all the graduating seniors to be able to be together. We really want them to come!
Can adults attend?
Adults may attend if they have a specific responsibility at the youth event.
If I am attending the youth event as a ward young men or young women leader can my spouse attend?
Your spouse may attend if they have an assignment or responsibility at the youth event.
Is there a charge for adults who attend the youth event?
Yes, there will be a fee for adults. Because we have more adults attending this event than any other previous youth event it makes it necessary to charge adults a fee in order to prevent the youth from having to shoulder the financial burden alone. This event will bless the lives of youth and adults alike.
How much does the youth event cost?
The cost for Moroni’s Quest youth event will be $200 for youth and $100 for adults
How do I pay?
Payment should be given to a member of your bishopric in a tithing envelope. Please write Moroni’s Quest on the tithing slip under the section titled “Other”
Will there be gluten-free menu options?
Yes, we are planning for several dietary restrictions. More information will be available at a later date.
What are the estimated departure and arrival times for the youth event?
We are planning on meeting at the Higley Arts Center at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 7 and returning to Casteel High School on Saturday, June 10 around 5:40 p.m.
I want to help with Moroni’s Quest youth event but not sure how to get involved?
Review the at the contact list on this website and if there is a committee you feel you may be able to help with. If there is, please give the committee head a call and offer your assistance.
What is the dress code?
Clothing information will be posted on the clothing page.
I am a tribe leader. When are the trainings?
The Tribe Leader training meetings will be held:
– Sunday, January 22 at 5:15 p.m.
– Sunday, February 19 at 5:15 p.m.
– Sunday, March 26 at 5:15 p.m.
– Sunday, April 23 5:15 p.m.
I have been asked to come up and participate in ward reflections one evening. Where will I find my ward?
Each Ward has a designated reflection location. You can download a map to your Ward’s assigned location here.
Where do I drop off my child for Moroni’s Quest?
Please drop off your child at the Higley Performing Arts Center on June 7. Registration will be between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. A drop off map may be viewed here.
What items should each Ward provide?
Each Ward is responsible to provide several items. A full list may be downloaded here.
What should I bring/pack?
A packing list may be downloaded here. Please do not bring unnecessary items.