Those who are not attending the youth event may view selected reenactments through a Facebook Live broadcast from the Moroni’s Quest Facebook Page. The broadcast schedule is posted below. To view each broadcast visit the Facebook page at the specified time.
If there are broadcasting issues, information will be posted both on Facebook and on this page.
- Wednesday, June 7
- 9:00 am: ACT 1: Nephi & Liahona
- 2:30 pm: ACT 2: Nephi’s Ship
- 8:30 pm: ACT 3: Tree of Life
- Thursday, June 8
- 9:00 am: ACT 4: The Separation
- 10:00 am: ACT 5: Enos
- 11:00 am: ACT 6: King Benjamin
- 8:30 pm: ACT 7: Abinadi
- Friday, June 9
- 9:00 am: ACT 8: Sons of Mosiah
- 10:00 am: ACT 9: Alma and Amulek
- 11:00 am: ACT 10: Ammon’s Mission
- 1:30 pm: ACT 11: Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s
- 2:30 pm: ACT 12: The War Chapters-Part 1
- 3:30 pm: ACT 12: The War Chapter-Part 2
- 8:00 pm: ACT 13: Samuel
- Saturday, June 10th
- 9:00 am: ACT 14: Mormon and Moroni
- 10:30am: ACT 15: Joseph Smith